Response to mouse and keyboard actions.Lots of icons and pictures for your use.Full set of objects – you draw the application.Program control is then returned to the event processor. Once an event is detected, the code corresponding to that event (event procedure) is executed. Nothing happens until an event is detected.

Visual Basic is event- driven, meaning code remains idle until called upon to respond to some event (button pressing, menu selection, …) Visual Basic is governed by an event processor. The applications have a familiar appearance to the user. What is Visual Basic? Visual Basic is a tool that allows you to develop Windows (Graphical User Interface – GUI) applications. Different software companies produced different version of BASIC, such as Microsoft QBASIC, QUICKBASIC, GWBASIC, IBM BASICA and so on. The codes look a bit like English Language. It is a fairly easy programming language to learn. BASIC means B eginners' A ll-purpose S ymbolic I nstruction C ode. 1 Object Oriented Programming 1: Using Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0 Lecture and Laboratory Exercises A Brief Description of Visual Basic VISUAL BASIC Is a high level programming language evolved from the earlier DOS version called BASIC.