The Psyblade Tank Build uses the unique ability of the Black Jacket Fighter to swap Weapons as a Free Action. Keeping this in mind, these Guides are aimed only at the turn-based version of the game.

This is mostly because of the change to Recovery Time, and the fact that you can only get one Standard or Cast Action per round. Since we had no way of knowing that turn-based would later be added to Pillars of Eternity 2, or how it would look when it was, some of the older Builds I created don’t work so well in this game mode. Turn-Based Builds For Pillars of Eternity 2

However, most should still be playable after the Beta ends to varying degrees. Unlike other Build Guides I have made for POE 2, these will be more quick and dirty, as I fully expect some of these to be nerfed by Obsidian before the Beta ends. In this Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire article we’re going to take a look at some Builds that are phenomenal in the new turn-based game mode (that is currently in Beta).